Insights from our work

Criteria for effective zero-deforestation commitments

In our paper “Criteria for effective zero-deforestation commitments“, we build a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding potential ZDC effectiveness (see below). Blue boxes show the criteria important for ZDC effectiveness. Green boxes indicate the scales at which effectiveness is expected. Grey boxes show types of potential spillovers.
In our research, we test these hypotheses and assess to which extent they are true in different supply chain contexts. In addition, we probe to what extent commitment implementation might harm producers’ equal access to markets, and what design choices might attenuate such decisions.

Steps to enhance synergies between effectiveness and equity in zero-deforestation supply chain policies

While zero-deforestation supply chain commitments may contribute significantly to ecosystem conservation, they may also generate unintended, inequitable, outcomes by excluding smallholders and other producers with low capacities to adapt to changing supply chain requirements. Fortunately, companies can make decisions during supply chain policy design, implementation, and enforcement that allow for synergies between effectiveness (in ecosystem conservation) and equity (in allowing all types of producers to access sustainable supply chains). These decisions are summarized in the following overview and our 2-page policy brief that can be downloaded below, which in turn are based on our paper ‘Designing effective and equitable zero-deforestation supply chain policies‘.